Minimalist Template: Lean Canvas
The Startup Toolkit - Minimalist startup templates for your creative business ideas!
A simplified version of the Business Model Canvas that focuses on key components such as problem/solution, unique value proposition, customer segments, channels, revenue streams, cost structure, and key metrics.
- Problem: The problem you are trying to solve for your target customers.
- Customer Segments: The specific groups of people or organizations that your product or service is intended for.
- Unique Value Proposition: The unique value that your product or service provides to your target customers.
- Solution: The product or service that you are offering to solve the problem for your target customers.
- Channels: The different ways that you will reach your target customers and distribute your product or service.
- Revenue Streams: The sources of revenue for your business, such as sales, advertising, or subscriptions.
- Cost Structure: The costs associated with creating, marketing, and delivering your product or service.
- Key Metrics: The key performance indicators (KPIs) that you will use to measure the success of your business.
- Unfair Advantage: The unique advantage that you have over your competitors, such as proprietary technology or a strong brand.
- Minimalist design, clean and full of writing space to focus on your ideas
- Fillable and printable PDF
- PDF/JPEG can be imported into any digital software/note-taking app (such as iPad, Goodnotes, Notability, Canva, Google Slides, PowerPoint, Keynote etc.)
- 1 PDF
- 1 JPEG
You'll get a minimalist template that is printable and fillable in PDF and JPEG that can be imported into any editing software/app such as Canva, Goodnotes, Google Slides, Powerpoint, etc.